Virtual Patent Marking Notice by Zulu Athletic

The list below identify certain Zulu brand products with their associated Intellectual Property, including granted patents (utility and design) as well as pending patent applications worldwide. This list is provided in compliance with the virtual patent marking provisions of 35 USC 287.

Please note that the following list of products and patents may not be all inclusive. For example, some products listed here may be covered by patents in the United States and elsewhere that are not listed, and other products not listed here may be protected by one or more patents in the United States and elsewhere.

The list will be updated on a regular basis, however, because of the changing nature of the patent and product development processes, the status of the Intellectual Property on the list may not be current at a specific time due to, for example: new filings, publications, issuances, product changes, expiration, or abandonment. Further, the absence of any intellectual property from this list does not prevent enforcement of any legal rights associated with the Intellectual Property.

Product Patent

Ace Water Bottle, All Sizes

11,172,784; D931,681

Boost Shaker Bottle


Chase Water Bottle, All Sizes


Flex Water Bottle, All Sizes


Studio Glass Water Bottle

D924,623; D982,965

Swift Water Bottle, All Sizes

D965,388; D921,422; D910,368 

Swift Water Bottle with Silicone Chug Lid, All Sizes

11,628,983; 11,510,512

Tag Plastic Water Bottle

D903,406; D902,647

Zulu Goals Plastic Water Bottle

Patent(s) Pending